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Elementary Language Use

A1 Beginner


I can understand simple sentences related to myself, my family, or specific things nearby.


I can understand individual familiar names and words and very simple sentences e.g., on signs or in catalogs.

Linguistic interaction

I am able to use simple phrases to describe familiar people and I can describe where I live.


I am able to write short messages, e.g. postcards.

I can fill in own information on forms (name, address, nationality, etc.).

Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, telc, ÖSD

Teaching topics:  greetings, numbers, celebrations, time, appointment, illness, family, daily routine, free time, clothes, shopping, home, traveling

Grammar: nouns, pronouns, (modal) verbs, imperative, adjectives, articles, case: noun, dative, accusative, tenses: Pres., Perf., Pret. (to be, to have), preposition

A2 - Basic Knowledge


I understand simple sentences and common words when dealing with everyday topics (e.g., people, shopping, work, family). Also short, clear, simple messages and announcements.


I can read short, simple (everyday) texts and filter the important information (e.g. timetable, brochure, menu) and I understand short personal letters.

Linguistic interaction

I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe everyday events e.g., family, people, job.


I can write short notes and messages and I am able to write very simple personal letters.

Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, DSD I, telc, ÖSD, DTZ, KMK, WiDaF

Teaching topics: travel, transport, housing, weather, climate, culture, sports, fitness, nutrition, state, education, profession, restaurant, hotel, post office

Grammar: subordinate clauses, questions, comparative, superlative, past tense, future tense, reflexive pronouns, verbs with prepositions, prepositions, dative, beginning relative clauses